Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It's been awhile.....

since I've posted.

My knitting is usually the priority and yet I'm not sharing much of it on here. And not very often.  I hope to do better in the future but no promises.

My current projects have included another pair of Monkey's (the best sock pattern in the world), several pairs of fingerless gloves and I've just begun a sweater. The pattern looks awesome, Lady Marple by Nadia Crétin-Léchenne.

Just 2 pair I made!

 Besides knitting, this Winter has been unseasonably warm for the NW corner of New Mexico. We are only 30 miles from Durango, Colorado so we usually get quite a lot of snow but not this year.  I'm afraid drought conditions will be bad this Summer.

We have had some cute visitors most days and their "herd" is growing....LOL.

Hopefully, I will keep up with my blog and rekindle many of the friendships I had in cyberspace.

Until tomorrow when I post my Yarn Along........

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